• Wastewater treatment polysiloxane defoamer in which industry more applicable
    Wastewater treatment polysiloxane defoamer in which industry more applicable
    Sewage treatment polysiloxane antifoam agent - polysiloxane antifoam agent is generally composed of polydimethylsiloxane and silicon dioxide 2 key components of the chemical compound moderate mutual cooperation and become, to polydimethylsiloxane as the plate of the antifoam agent is eliminating the antifoam management system in the category of idealised antifoam agent, that is to say, because of its insoluble in water, it is difficult to emulsions, polydimethylsiloxane Dimethicone has lower surface properties than carbon chain hydrocarbons, and thus has a lower interfacial tension than the surface activators generally used in the textile industry. Anti-foaming agent simple polydimethylsiloxane foam inhibition characteristics of poor and slow, anti-foaming effect must be silica objects to enhance the silica objects by the methyl silicone oil to the foam gas - water liquid surface and into the bubble liquid film because of its hydrophobic solubility, and surface activator polyurethane foaming liquid contact with polyurethane foaming liquid and then drive polyurethane foaming liquid from the surface of the hydrophobic objects of the liquid to drain, resulting in the rapid discharge of part of the foam liquid and cause cracking, so that, because of the surface activator polyurethane foaming liquid, the polyurethane foaming liquid is not liquid, but the polyurethane foaming liquid is not liquid. In that case, because of the synergistic effect, the two constituent chemicals cause excellent anti-foaming practical effect. Polysiloxane defoamer has been used in many industries because of its high quality defoaming and anti-foaming efficiency and other advantages, especially in the production and processing of woolen fabric dyeing and finishing, the trend of development is especially rapid, scientific research has found that silicone glycol antifoam agent with polydimethylsiloxane and high-pressure polyethylene pre-polymer as a plate has idealised defoaming and anti-foaming practical effects in the processing of spray dyeing and other woolen fabrics because of its unique melting characteristics. The actual effect of foam. First dilute the liquid with tap water 1:30 times after dilution, plus the use of 0.5% -0.6%, the appropriate antifoam agent can reasonably prevent and remove foam, do not apply too much. As far as possible before the application of mixing, and tap water or thickening water first need to add the defoamer dilution of the aqueous solution of the defoamer after the application. Antifoaming agent should be added before the polyurethane foaming liquid is not polyurethane foaming, so that it can be more reasonable to prevent the foam caused by and remove the foam. Antifoam agent has oil-soluble and water-soluble points, different antifoam agent used in different manufacturing industries. The available PH range of defoamer. Strong alkali and strong acid natural environments are more stringent for defoamers, which must be indicated with the defo...
    - Jan 10, 2024
  • Polycarboxylate water-reducing agent defoaming agent usage and precautions
    Polycarboxylate water-reducing agent defoaming agent usage and precautions
    Polycarboxylate water-reducing agent is a high-efficiency water-reducing agent that also has the function of dispersing cement. It is widely used in precast and cast-in-place concrete projects in many fields such as high-speed railways, passenger dedicated lines, and construction, including reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete. During the concrete production process, polycarboxylate water-reducing agents can easily cause foaming problems due to their high gas content and the presence of a large amount of surfactants. Therefore, a small amount of defoaming agent needs to be added to eliminate foam problems and thereby improve product quality. By adding a defoaming agent, it can not only eliminate excess gas in the concrete and improve the appearance of the concrete, but also reduce the gas content of the polycarboxylate water-reducing agent, improve the pore structure and tightness of the concrete, and make the concrete shape more compact and bright.     Precautions for polycarboxylate water reducing agent and defoaming agent:   1. In the process of preparing concrete, the addition of defoaming agent can help reduce the air content of polycarboxylate water-reducing agent, but it may cause the concrete to be too viscous. It is recommended to introduce an appropriate amount of air-entraining agent first, and then add defoaming agent.   2. Defoaming agent has good compatibility and dispersion effect with water and other surfactants, but it is recommended not to store it for too long, or to continue stirring during storage. Excessive storage period or failure to stir in time will lead to separation.   3. In order to avoid the influence of alkaline substances, various surfactants added during the production process have corresponding alkaline characteristics. It is recommended to choose a defoaming agent with long-lasting defoaming and anti-foaming properties, high temperature resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance and other properties.
    - Jan 05, 2024
  • Wide application of defoaming agents: multiple industries benefit
    Wide application of defoaming agents: multiple industries benefit
    With the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous expansion of global industries, defoaming agents are gradually emerging as chemicals widely used in many industries. The function of defoaming agents is to inhibit the formation and stability of foam in liquids, thereby improving production efficiency and quality. This article will explore the wide range of applications of defoamers in different industries and the positive impact they have on these industries.   1. Food and Beverage Industry The food and beverage industry is one of the main application areas for defoaming agents. During food processing, many foods and beverages generate foam, which can harm the production process and product quality. The introduction of defoaming agents can effectively reduce the generation of foam, improve production efficiency, and ensure product quality and consistency. For example, they are widely used in beer production to control the foam produced during fermentation and ensure the quality of beer.     2. Pharmaceutical industry The pharmaceutical industry is another area where defoaming agents are widely used. In pharmaceutical production, the mixing and stirring process of drugs may produce large amounts of foam, which may interfere with the drug production process and reduce the purity of the drug. The application of defoaming agents in the pharmaceutical process helps maintain the stability of the production process, ensure the quality of the drug, and reduce foam interference during the production process.   3. Chemical Industry In chemical production, defoaming agents are widely used in various processes, especially in reactors. Chemical reactions are often accompanied by the release of gas, which results in foaming. The addition of a defoaming agent can effectively reduce the generation of foam, improve the efficiency of the reactor, and reduce instability factors caused by foam, thereby improving the quality of the product.   4. Papermaking and Textile Industry In the paper and textile industries, foam generation is often a problem during the production process. In the papermaking process, air bubbles in the pulp can cause paper quality to deteriorate, while in the textile industry, foam can interfere with dyeing and coating processes. Applying defoaming agents helps solve these problems and improves the quality of paper and textiles.     5. Oil and natural gas industry During oil and gas extraction, the release of gas from liquids is often accompanied by the generation of foam. This can lead to fluid flow instability and reduce mining efficiency. The introduction of defoaming agents can effectively reduce the generation of foam, improve the efficiency of oil and natural gas production, and reduce the waste of energy resources.   6. Environmental protection and water treatment In the fields of environmental protection and water treatment, the application of defoaming agents is also in...
    - Dec 27, 2023
  • Application of defoamer in cement-based self-levelling mortar
    Application of defoamer in cement-based self-levelling mortar
    Self-levelling mortar has been increasingly recognised as a floor levelling material. Self-levelling mortar is mainly made of adhesive, sand, filler, superplasticiser, retarder, coagulant promoter, defoamer and other more than 10 kinds of materials pre-mixed by the factory, which has good stability. Self-levelling mortar has high requirements for flow, apparent state, shrinkage and strength, which requires us to select all raw materials used for self-levelling mortar to meet the performance requirements of the material. Defoamers have different chemical structures and properties, different foam systems, different foam suppression, foam breaking stability, foam breaking rate, etc.. Defoamer used in the mortar, at the same time to be chemically inert, as far as possible, does not affect the other properties of the mortar. Defoamer on the flow of self-levelling mortar effect After adding defoamer in cement-based self-levelling mortar system, it can make self-levelling mortar flow degree increase, change the apparent state of the mortar after hardening, increase the wet density of the mortar, so as to make the self-levelling mortar hardened compressive and flexural strength level increase. Adding defoamer helps flow, but there are differences in the suitability of different types of defoamer and the whole mortar system, and there are also differences in the effect of flow. The effect of defoamer on the wet density of self-levelling mortar The addition of defoamer on the self-levelling mortar wet density growth is very fast. However, different types of defoamer on self-levelling mortar wet density changes slightly different, so different types of defoamer applied to the same self-levelling mortar system defoaming ability there are differences. Appropriate prolongation of the resting time, self-levelling mortar wet density will increase slightly, so self-levelling mortar mixing, can be appropriately prolonged after the resting time, in order to enhance the anti-foaming ability of self-levelling mortar. The effect of defoamer on the apparent state of self-levelling mortar Add defoamer self-levelling mortar after hardening the apparent state is changed. After mixing the self-levelling mortar, the appropriate prolongation of the wet mortar standing time can improve the defoaming ability of the self-levelling mortar, so that the apparent state of the hardened self-levelling mortar has been further changed, so that the surface of the mortar is free of small pinholes, and has a better homogeneity. Influence of defoamer on the strength of self-levelling mortar The compressive and flexural strength of self-levelling mortar increases with the addition of defoamer. The flexural strength of self-levelling mortar is increased from F4 strength grade to F6 strength grade or above, and the compressive strength is increased from less than C16 strength grade to C20 strength grade or above. However, there are differences in the effects of different types of defoamers on...
    - Dec 21, 2023
  • Application status of water-based coating antifoams
    Application status of water-based coating antifoams
    In recent years, with the rapid growth of the national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the production and sales of paints in China have been growing at a faster rate. However, compared with developed countries, the consumption structure of paint products in China is not very reasonable. Highly polluting paint products still occupy a large market share, which brings more serious harm to the environment and the health of construction workers. With the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection and the increasing improvement of environmental protection regulations, countries around the world are encouraging and promoting the use of green, energy-saving, and material-saving new paint products. Among them, water-based coatings are beneficial to the rational use of resources, prevent environmental pollution, protect human health, and do not contain or contain less VOC (volatile organic compounds) and harmful air pollutants (HAP). This has become a hot spot for research and development, promotion, and application of highlights and growth points. Compared with other low-pollution coatings, water-based coatings have become the preferred varieties because of their achievable technical ways, wide application, safety, and relatively simple construction. It is more concerning to the majority of coating scientists and coating users. In recent years, it has been developed to a certain extent in China and has received unprecedented attention. However, the share of water-based coatings in the industrial coating field is still small. Therefore, improving the proportion of water-based industrial coatings, reducing pollution in the environment, and reducing the health hazards of construction personnel have become common issues facing the coating industry in China.   Classifications of water-based coatings Distinguished by dispersion form, water-based coatings include water-soluble coatings, water-dilutable coatings, and water-dispersible coatings (latex coatings). Their dispersion mechanisms are different, and the performance of the products also has a big difference. However, regardless of the type, they all use water as a solvent or dispersion medium. According to the distinction between film-forming substances, water-based coatings can be divided into water-based acrylic coatings, water-based polyurethane coatings, water-based epoxy coatings, and so on. In recent years, the film-forming substances of water-based coating products have had a tendency to develop in the direction of mixed modification. Characteristics of water-based coatings The most important feature of water-based coatings is to use water instead of organic solvents as solvents or dispersion medium, which saves a lot of organic materials (petroleum) resources and greatly reduces pollution of the atmosphere and the fire hazard during the construction process by volatilizing organic solvents in the coatings. In addition, with water-bas...
    - Dec 06, 2023
  • Reverse osmosis water treatment defoamer description
    Reverse osmosis water treatment defoamer description
    The continuous development of science and technology has led to the birth of reverse osmosis membrane separation technology. It is different from the natural separation and purification methods of the past. While this technology can provide business owners with the benefits of accelerated project schedules, it also comes with the difficulty of eliminating bubbles. It is common for a large amount of foam to appear during the reverse osmosis water treatment process. This is mainly caused by the various surfactants contained in the wastewater, which will continue to generate foam in the water source. After all, water itself is a fluid medium, and these foams have limited self-purification capabilities and must be effectively removed with the help of reverse osmosis water treatment defoamer. Reverse osmosis water treatment defoaming agent is a non-silicon product prepared from polyether esterification products through a special process. It is a highly efficient defoaming agent specially developed for various biological water treatment systems.   Reasons for foaming during reverse osmosis water treatment: 1. The aeration volume is too large, the air-water volume ratio is unreasonable, and the oxygen is supersaturated, resulting in foam formation. 2. During the operation stage of sewage treatment, a large number of filamentous bacteria and actinomycetes continue to grow in the water body, which can easily form a large amount of foam. 3. Excessive air supply or oxygen during biological water treatment will produce a large amount of foam, which will affect the water treatment process or overflow conditions and adversely affect activated sludge and bacteria. 4. The sewage contains too many surfactants and other additives. Advantages of reverse osmosis water treatment defoamer: 1. It has no side effects on various fungi in general water species and will not damage the film layer. It is an environmentally friendly defoaming agent. 2. It has good dispersibility in water, is fully compatible with liquid products, and will not break emulsions and floating oil layers. 3. It has strong defoaming and anti-foaming ability, low dosage, and does not affect the basic performance of the foam system. 4. It has good heat resistance, chemical stability, non-corrosiveness, non-toxicity, no adverse side effects, no combustion, and no risk of explosion. 5. The dosage is small, the cost is low, and it has a wide range of applications.  
    - Dec 14, 2023
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